Integrity is Cool!

School Integrity Survey

Future Integrity Leaders - Report Summary in different languages

INTEGRITY IS COOL is an exciting iniative, aiming to spark a wave of integrity in schools! Our mission? To create and share awesome knowledge and tools that boost integrity in educational environments, empowering the future integrity leaders.

IIC brings together four vibrant countries: Greece, Albania, Bulgaria, and North Macedonia. These nations often face challenges in integrity and corruption, which are mirrored in their schools. But we’re here to change that! We’re focusing on students aged 12-18, along with their parents and teachers, to make a real impact.

Through fun and engaging activities, IIC gathers valuable insights to shape policy recommendations that promote integrity in education. Join us on this journey to build a better future for everyone!

During the project, we dived into a literature review to uncover the latest and greatest in educational integrity, identifying key issues and top-notch activities that have been successful in promoting integrity in schools across our participating countries. Building on that, we conducted a survey with our target group to understand the current state and needs of integrity in education.

We received 400 responses from individuals aged 16 to 24, who are either currently in or have recently completed secondary education. The survey revealed some exciting and encouraging insights! But don’t just take our word for it—check out the results for yourself and share your thoughts with us at Let’s work together to make integrity the coolest thing in education!

Future Integrity Leaders Report is available at NO COST. If you are accessing it from a PC or Laptop, you can download it from the right side of your screen (look for the Download File). For mobile users, simply scroll down to the page to find the Download File. The Report is available in 5 languages: English, Greek, Macedonian, Bulgarian and Albanian language. If you want to have the Report in other languages than English, please contact us and we will send the file to you or you can also download it from the buttons below.


Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the European Education and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA). Neither the European Union nor EACEA can be held responsible for them.