Role for a Change

Training Concept

Result Three (3) of the project "Role for a Change" - How to use Edu-RPGs in non-formal education

The aim of Role for a Change project is to explore RPGs (Role Playing Games) and LARP (Life Action Role Playing) as educational tools and make them accessible to all organisations. For this reason, the partnership developed a training course on these methodologies and made it available to other professionals and institutions. This course does not only include plain methods, but also provides further information that will make it easier also for organizations and trainers with fewer experiences to implement the methods.

In this book, you are going to discover a description of the training course on the usage of Role Playing Games for education we implemented in Orvieto, Italy, from 5th to 11th of September 2022. It starts with explaining the context and methodologies, continues to practical preparation, documenting the experience and finalises with the reflection of the experience. If you want, you can take it and recreate it partly or fully to your liking. What can help you is a Manual with different RPG activities we created.

Sub Heading

Training Content

We present you a ready-made training course on the usage of RPGs (role-playing games) for education.
Feel free to use and adapt to your liking.

The Training Concept is available at NO COST. If you are accessing it from a PC or Laptop, you can download it from the right side of your screen (look for the Download File). For mobile users, simply scroll down to the page to find the Download File. The Training Concept is available only in English language.


Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the European Education and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA). Neither the European Union nor EACEA can be held responsible for them.