In this chapter, you will find more about how to use this book and what it is built on.
- About Role for a Change and this Training Course
- How to use this book
- Intro
RPGs (role-playing games) and LARP (Life Action Role Playing) can be seen as containers of individual and community experiences for the development of soft skills, practical skills, critical thinking, empathy and entrepreneurship; tools to create group relationships, to communicate, and to facilitate creativity and thus growth.
“Being aware of the content and relationship that the words we speak carry helps us to create transparent, concrete, linear interpersonal relationships and above all allows us to go beyond appearances, to move from our own point of view to go and understand that of our interlocutor.”
– Luigi Infantino, project coordinator
Project Planning
The project should be tailored to the needs of a target group. Get to know the needs of your participants and adapt the presented course accordingly.
- Why RPG
- Aims and objectives
This training course was meant to train youth workers in the usage of RPG in education.
Because RPGs are a very attractive form of games that can be used in very unique and effective ways (we discuss this in detail in [Manual R1 of this project]), and it is not well known in the educational field at this point.
This training was not focused on the creation of edu-RPGs (that would be a specific topic by itself), but on the facilitation of edu-RPGs.
Format and Methodology
In this chapter, we introduce basic pedagogical concepts forming the foundation of R4CTC. This is not a guide on non-formal education, therefore we are not explaining them in detail, but provide resources for self-studies, should they be needed.
- Format
- Methodology
- Main method – RPG
- Supporting methods
The main frame of Role for a Change Training Course was non-formal education.
It was based on peer-to-peer exchange – trainers were actively creating a learning context to allow the participants to learn from each other and actively share their knowledge and perspectives.
The format pays attention to the educational processes of developing knowledge, know-how, attitudes and values. It promotes cooperation, participation and learning through experience. The foundations of this model can be found in pedagogical activism, which is affirmed with theorizations and experiments, especially in the Anglo-Saxon world thanks to scholars such as John Dewey and David A. Kolb.
In this chapter, we explain how we planned the program. Keep in mind that the plan and the reality can differ. It is always necessary to adapt to the participants’ needs.
The program plan is your map. The path you are going to take to reach your destination depends on the weather, accidents on the journey, whims, desires, needs.
Keep it in mind. As a good leader, you need to be flexible and listen to the needs of your participants.
The Training Course is designed for 5 full working days.
In this chapter, we address some important questions regarding the logistics when preparing for the program. Preparation comes after planning and before the implementation of the event itself. It is anything connected to the practical preparation of the event.
The information in this chapter is tailored to the plan we presented in this booklet. However, since the plan needs to be flexibly adjusted to your context and to the needs of the group, also the preparation will have to be adjusted.
- Milestones
- Project Management
The main milestones of R4C TC preparation were the following:
- Making an infoletter and application form
- Selecting participants
- Preparation for a project
- Project management
In this chapter, you can take a look at what our training course in Italy, Orvieto, 5-11 September 2022, looked like, and what the participants and trainers thought about it.
Luigi Infantino – project coordinator
The training experience was very important: above all, it gave an opportunity to reflect on what is important to take into consideration when creating a format, in this case, of a training on RPG and LARP in non-formal education.
Our multidisciplinary team had great richness and potential, but also some aspects to take into account. If you are going to have an international team, you must be able to communicate easily. You must be sharing skills, knowledge and languages. You can work remotely, but there must be (at least one month before the training) a meeting of at least 3 to 5 days in person, during which you will work out the program.
In this chapter, you can take a look at how our training course in Italy, Orvieto, 5-11 September 2022, looked like, and what participants and trainers thought about it.
Evaluation wheel
We asked the participants to indicate their satisfaction with areas you can see in the picture. The center is absolute satisfaction, the edge is complete dissatisfaction.
We also sent an anonymous evaluation form to the people where they could express their opinions and comments on all these areas.