The Set of Games is one of the main results of the project “Gamification for Intercultural Education” aimed at developing resources that will help educators to enhance students’ creativity, and shape their cultural awareness through didactic games used in intercultural education. In this document, you will find 15 free-to-use games divided into outdoor, digital and board versions.
Our work is a response to the needs of culturally diverse environments. Developing cultural competence in children is essential for strengthening social inclusion. Thanks to our games, students will better understand what their culture is, what’s their cultural identity, how it can differ from others, how non-verbal gestures can be interpreted differently depending on the culture, how language is an integral part of the culture and influences the perception of the world, and how important it is to combat prejudice and harmful stereotypes.
Game Set 1: Let’s Talk About Culture
- Team Building Game
- Scavenger Hunt
- Adventures Abroad
Game Set 2: REBE
- Board game
- Outdoor game
- Digital game
Game Set 3: Guess the Language
- Collecting Flags Game
- Word Search Game
- Froggy Jumps Quiz
Game Set 4: Globetrotter
- Gestures & Culture
- Superstitions Around the World
- Jeopardy Game
Game Set 5: Challenging
- Stereotypes
- Pursuit of Truth
- Bias destroyer