Gamification for Intercultural Education Project

Didactic Games

Working Package six (6) - Set of Didactic Games for Intercultural Education | GFIE project

The materials consist of a collection of games that have been meticulously prepared and field-tested by both teachers and students. Their primary objective is to serve as a practical resource to facilitate the development and utilization of instructive games in the context of intercultural education.

Content of the Set of Didactic Games

Didactic Games Topics

The Game Set is a tangible outcome of the "Gamification for Intercultural Education" project, offering illustrative instances of games that can facilitate the enhancement of intercultural competencies.
In this Set of Didactic Games, you will find 3 types of games:

Learning outdoors can be an opportunity not only for physical exercise, but also for intellectual stimulation. Outdoor play can be a pleasant and healthy change from a sedentary lifestyle.

Digital games – when well designed – can provide rich, fun, interactive experiences that can foster cognitive development, skill building, social interactions, and healthy behaviors.

Board games can provide students with opportunities to apply concepts they have learned. Board games promote collaboration, inquiry, and critical thinking (see: Learning Through Inquiry: Makerspaces, Manipulatives, and Boardgames).

The Set of Didactic Games is available at NO COST. If you are accessing it from a PC or Laptop, you can download it from the right side of your screen (look for the Download File). For mobile users, simply scroll down to the page to find the Download File. The Handbook is available in 6 languages: English, Polish, Romanian, Turkish, Greek and Albanian. If you want to have the Set of Didactic Games in other languages than English, please contact us and we will send the file to you.


Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the European Education and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA). Neither the European Union nor EACEA can be held responsible for them.