Training of Youth Workers – YOU.TH. Project

We had a great time, met old friends, and made new ones, creating beautiful memories but our journey doesn’t stop!

During the training course, we have already started planning the pilot activities that will accompany us from now until the youth exchange that will always be held in Morfasso in October 2023.

Thanks to all those who contributed to the success of the course!

Continue to follow our adventure here and on the pages of our partner organizations Eunoia, Universidad de Sevilla, Action Synergy, Sciara Progetti

You won’t regret embarking on this journey with us 🚀🎭

The intercultural moments are a fundamental part of an Erasmus plus project. They can happen in an informal way like when we are having lunch together and someone asks for a cappuccino after lunch in Italy or also during organized times such as intercultural nights.

On our first intercultural night, we traveled not only to the official countries of the project as Spain and North Macedonia but also to the ones represented by the participants in those teams such as Ecuador, Honduras, and Albania. We really enjoyed trying Queso Curado, plátano frito, maíz salado and caramelado and cokoladni bananki, jajca and topcinja while dancing pajdushko oro and toshe proeski- cija si.

Let’s see where the next intercultural evening will take us!🇪🇸🇭🇳🇪🇨🇲🇰🇦🇱

Eunoia Universidad de Sevilla

The theater is not only a tool for highlighting social problems but also a practice for solving them

We finished the training course YOU.TH project for 28 youth workers in Italy. The organizers of the project are the theater company Sciara Progetti, non-governmental organizations Eunoia from North Macedonia and Action Synergy from Greece, as well as the psychology department of the University of Seville (Spain).

The participants learned the techniques of psychodrama, forum theater, and educational drama, digital techniques for working with young people, and discovered the traditions of other cultures.

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